Powder coat is a thermoset dry powder that is applied to metal surfaces through an electrostatic process which is then baked and cured to give it a durable and long lasting finish




    *Additional Fees*

    • There will be a 30% additional fee for any full coverage second coat such as clear coats. Metallic colors are recommended to have a clear coat to enhance the finish and to also protect the color from fading from UV exposure. Some metallic colors require a clear coat. Solid tone colors do not need a clear coat but it can be applied if requested.
    • 15% - 30% of powder coat cost for the specific part will be added for custom requests such as two color gradients/fade, colored lettering, custom designs, color mixing, etc.
    • 10% - 15% of powder coat cost for the specific part will be added if parts are covered in an excessive amount of grease, oil or other substances that require a substantial amount of time to clean up.
    • 40% of powder coat cost for the specific part will be added if a zinc primer base coat is requested. Zinc primer is an anti-corrosive base coat that is applied to steel to prevent rust/oxidation. *Aluminum parts do not benefit from zinc primer*



    *******PLEASE READ*******

    • There are many different variables that can change the final cost of getting parts powder coated. Some of the variables that can change the final finished price are, hidden body filler or damages that can not be powder coated and must be removed, excessive corrosion that needs to be removed, parts that must be disassembled before powder coating, excessive grease or oil left on the part, parts that require a substantial amount of masking before the media blast and powder coat process, etc.
    • Cast aluminum parts may experience "out-gassing" and or bubbling in the finished product due to being a porous material. We will take every precaution to avoid out-gassing, but keep in mind this is not 100% avoidable and may occur in the final finish. If this is something you do not wish to worry about, non-powder coating methods are recommended.
    • Not all cast aluminum parts are made equal. Some castings are rougher than others, therefore the rougher the casting, the more likely the final finish could have an "orange peel" effect.
    •  All parts requested to be powder coated will be media blasted unless told otherwise by the customer with the exception of valve covers. All valve covers will be soda blasted.
    • Chrome plating can not be easily sanded or media blasted off from the parts surface, because of this, we do not work with chrome plated materials unless the risks are understood by the owner.
    • Powder coat is cured through a baking process that can reach 400F/204C degrees. Please remove any parts such as bushings, grommets, O-rings, seals, gaskets, plastics and others that you do not want exposed to these temperatures.


    Contact for any questions or to set up appointment for powder coating

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